Error - Forbidden - you don't have access to this document

MyOOS [Dumper] ist ein Backup-Programm für MySQL-Datenbanken. Damit können Sicherungskopien der Daten (Forum, Shop, Blog, etc.) erstellt und bei Bedarf wiederhergestellt werden. Insbesondere für Webspace ohne Shell-Zugang ist MyOOS [Dumper] eine sinnvolle Alternative.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 18.10.2023, 22:38

Error - Forbidden - you don't have access to this document

Beitrag von virtuaf »


Prior, Thank you so much for creating this script. It is so useful and saved me many times (i'm thinking of supporting it on Patreon very soon).

For the very first time, i'm facing a recurring error. It only happens on my cloud server (ionos product), the server is managed by PLESK (latest version).

I successfuly installed MyOOS dumper on a sub folder (located on the root of my hosting plan) (httpdoc). The database is connected, everything is green. The MyOOS is not passord protected during my backup operation. (for some reason i have issues to access it with the protection enabled).

# Each time i try to perform a DB backup, the process abort about 5 to 10 seconds => it ends with the following error : FORBIDDEN, you don't have permission to access this document.

I searched the forum and read this article viewtopic.php?t=3614 mentioning to check if 'myoosdumper.conf.php und myoosdumper.php' ar written or not. In my case it is.
On the server side, nothing special and the DB is accessible, so i have no idea what is causing the error...

Any idea please, myOOS IS A MUST HAVE script for my aily routine backing up websites...
Any help will be so much appreciated !
Thank you very much in advance !!
Beiträge: 2729
Registriert: 18.09.2008, 05:56
Wohnort: Hagen

Re: Error - Forbidden - you don't have access to this document

Beitrag von r23 »


welcome, it's a pity that you have problems with the MOD.

What is in the error log file of the web server? What file or directory do you not have access to?

If MOD is in a subdirectory, what does it say in the .htaccess in the parent directory?

Many greetings
